Wednesday, September 22, 2010

"Fall"-ing into a Dream

Today was the first day of fall, and as Julia and Charlene so kindly reminded me on Facebook chat tonight, I've been a negligent blogger once again. Blogging was so easy in the summer when there were meals to catch, trips to take, and fun to be had. Now that it's volleyball season and school is under way, the most exciting thing in my life is whether we get to go to Applebee's instead of Chili's between this weekends games. Wooooooooooooooooomp...we'll probably just get subs.

However, being that it's the first day of Fall and that there is a glorious lightening show going on outside my thinly paned window, perhaps it is time for a little blog therapy...

I was at a meeting earlier this week for my potential spring internship and it really got me thinking about what direction my life is/should be/could be/maybe be/will be going in and I've got to say IT FREAKED ME OUT! For the first time in my entire life I don't have a set plan of what to do next. My teacher asked the class a simple question, and it has been keeping me up at night ever since: "What is your dream?" In reality, this question should not be the least bit difficult. Dreams are the one thing that we, as humans, are allowed to do without regarding the possibility of whether they might come true.

I found an interesting quotation while perusing Google tonight. It's from a famous Journalist name Heywood Broun:

"The most prolific period of pessimism comes at twenty-one, or thereabouts, when the first attempt is made to translate dreams into reality."

Hello...this is me! Why do I feel like dreams are such a hard thing to operationalize. Why can't I just admit what I want and go after it? Why do I continue to create obstacles in my head of why my dreams can't come true instead of just going after them?

Well OCD and a venemous Type A personality of course.

So on this first fall night, I've decided I neeed to cut that out. I need to embrace the possibilty of achieving my dream with all the rigour with which I embrace homework, or the LSAT, or playing volleyball, or anything else I do in life. I am literally going to fall into my dreams. For those who know me well, you know I love a good definition. Fall. Verb. Occur, arrive, or become apparent as if by dropping suddenly.

Sounds like a great way to find my dream....stop trying to stop it. Easy enough...

So off I go...trying to get that fervor that I had for summer blogging back, trying to win a Big East title, trying to get a 4.0, trying to stomach the number of sub sandwiches I'm gong to eat this season, trying to stay fashion-forward, trying to sleep, but definitely NOT trying to control or stop any more of my dreams. People are constantly telling me I can't control everything, seems like this is a great place to start. I'll let you all know if I find something...I mean, WHEN!

Happy Fall!