Thursday, November 11, 2010

Study Finds

My mom has been in town the past week, dragging me to every thrift store and vintage-y shop within a driving distance radius. I used to be so embarrassed when I was younger to go thrifting with her, but lately I have really begun to appreciate it. Fashion is so funny in that it's absolutely cyclical--there are some awesome vintage finds out there! Plus it's très green!

With Senior night on Sunday, my family and boyfriend's mom in town for the weekend, and tests next week, one would assume that I've been staying busy with other things. If only that were the case...instead, I've been finding lots of fun fall styles to adore and lust after...

I love this Native American inspired sweater by Free People but the nearly $200 price tag is a little OTL for my bank account....I just think that colors and style are so fun, it'd look great with jeans and some lace-up boots.

Here's another fun sweater...

Loooooooooove this Frye Boots!

My house is boot crazzzzyyyy right now, barely an hour goes by without one of my roommates mentioning which boots they're salivating currently salivating over. Maybe it's the cold weather that has fallen upon New Brunswick, maybe it's the thought that with season nearly over we'll have to start dressing like real people again(Goodbye eternal sweats and running shoes!!!), or maybe it's just that we know the power of cute boots!

Okay okay, my Sociological Theory book is calling my names, as are all my other errands...Tomorrow's my last practice ever, I think I'm in denial because it just doesn't feel real yet. I'm really sad about all of this coming to an end, but I'm also getting super excited for the unknown future! I was sitting on the couch today with Jeff, Emma's dad, and he said, "This is exciting. The Unknown is exciting," So for as sad as I am to close this chapter in my life, I know he's right.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Back in Business

Isn't it funny how we let life get in the way of the things that bring us joy? If I added up all the minutes that I spent worrying about what might happen, and put them to an actual productive use--the possibilities are endless. Thankfully I have a family, friends, roommates, and a boyfriend who on more than one occasion have brought me back to reality, and kindly told me to calm the efff down.

I've been doing a lot of thinking about the future this week, I think it's because I only have two more games left in a college volleyball career that almost wasn't, but has turned out to be an act of grace. Since I came to college, I have lost more games than I have won, but in return I have been given extraordinary gifts. The ride has been anything but smooth, but the bumps are where the memories are created. I still get a few chuckles from my Santa Barbara days when I think about Kathy telling recruits that I was the girl with "28 boyfriends one month and 28 the next"...yes, the ride has been rocky, but I can't say it wasn't memorable.

While sitting in the theater waiting for "Wicked" to start last night in NYC with my mom, I got to thinking just how truly blessed this journey has been. In 2007 if anyone had told me that I'd end up 3000 miles away from home, I would have passed out probably. I have gotten to see parts of the country I never even dreamed I'd have the chance to see: I've been camping in Delaware during a freak storm with Emma, eaten delish crabcakes in Baltimore with the boys, walked the Freedom Trail of Boston and seen hand-dives(you know who you are) in action, driven through Katie Groff's glorious state of Pennsylvania, Farmfested, gone DTS, gambled in AC, seen Broadway plays, eaten Turducken in Michigan, and so much more. The best part is, I have this feeling that life is just beginning.

So yes...I'm scared as hell. I'm freaked out because I'm currently plan-less for the first time in my life. But, I have to tell myself that with such a great past, there's no question that the future is going to be anything less than spectacular.

I'm trying to get back to blogging now that I'll have some free time on my hands....