Friday, August 20, 2010

100 Things That Make Me Happy

It's been nearly one month since I wrote my last blog post...where did summer go?? I'll tell you: it went to summer school classes, and open gyms. It went to Farmfest and Washington DC. It went to Chipotle and Chick-Fil-A, it went to the Facebook, it went DTS(Down the Shore for all you non-NJers out there), and it went to saying goodbye to friends who are leaving for Law School. Yes, summer flew by a little faster than expected and has left me nearly a month later with one more double day in my collegiate volleyball career and my senior year a few short weeks away. Now that I have finally broken through my summer-induced writer's block, it's time to get back on the blog train. And, the lack of blogging has got me much of life is spent thinking of things that we don't have or things that we want, and so little time is thought about the things we have and things that make us happy. So in the spirit of getting back on the blogging train I have compiled a list of the 100 things that make me happy, at least tonight. This list is in no way exhaustive or complete, just a short compilation of the first 100 things that came to my head.

100 Things that make me Happy

1. Lazy Sundays
2. Working out
3. Kim Donnelly’s Ice Cream Sandwiches during Preseason
4. Sparkly Things like glitter and jewels
5. New Face Wash
6. Shoes
7. When Hulu doesn’t make me buffer too much
8. The word “equivocate” especially when it's a choice during the Logic Reasoning Section of the LSAT
9. People that don’t equivocate
10. Finishing tests, classes, summer school
11. Reaching a goal
12. Finding treasures at Thrift Shops/Garage Sales/Random Stores
13. Discovering new restaurants and new types of food
14. Hot rain storms
15. Fireflies!!!!!
16. The first day of Spring in New Jersey
17. Giving and receiving quality and genuine compliments
18. Trust
19. Altruism
20. Butterflies in my stomach
22. Black and White Pictures
23. Memorable Quotes
24. GOLDDDDDDDDDDDDD things especially if they’re also SPARKLY!
25. Awkward Moments
26. Lurking on the internet
27. Queen of the Court Tournaments
28. Reading my mom, sister, best friend, and the everyday stranger’s blog
29. Simply getting lost in Blogworld
30. Books that I can’t put down
31. Lululemon
32. Pedicures
33. Trashy Romance Novels
34. Antoine Dodson on Youtube
35. Glee
36. Singing along to songs at unrelenting decibel levels
37. Road trips
38. Vintage jewelry
39. Nautical things: anchors, boats, navy blue…
40. Boy Bands
41. Riding beach cruisers down 101
42. Going out to breakfast
43. Friends…old ones, new ones, and the ones I have yet to meet
44. Taking pictures
45. Thanksgiving in Michigan with The Chrystals
46. The first few days after Thanksgiving when Christmas Carols haven’t gotten overplayed yet
47. Floral Prints
48. Soft Pajamas
49. My CamelBak Sippy
50. Punta Elena, Baja Sur
51. Camping
52. The smell of Chlorine
53. Cowboy Boots
54. “HACKS”
55. Encinitas jargon
56. Bean and Cheese Burritos
57. Love in the Time of Cholera
58. Giving away something even though I know I’ll never get it back, and knowing that I probably didn’t need it anyways.
59. Gabriel Garcia Marquez
60. School and Office Supplies
61. Snail Mail
62. Quick Witted Humor…especially when it (ever so seldomly) comes out of my own mouth
63. JetStream Uniball Pens-until you have tried one of these, don’t even try to tell me you know a good pen.
64. Movie Theatre Popcorn
65. Junk Food Nights
66. Gossip magazines on airplanes
67. Farmfest…if you don’t know about it, don’t ask. If you weren’t there, it hard to explain.
68. Love notes on Post-Its
69. Finding a Waffle House or Chick-Fil-A on long car rides
70. Jeopardy contests with Adam
71. Silly sounds and voices
72. Silliness in general, especially at times when I’m supposed to be a paragon of maturity
73. The moments where I realize that I am good enough, I tried my best, and life is going to be okay even if it isn’t going to plan.
74. Photo Booths
75. Old T-Shirts…but not the smelly kind!
76. Diet Pepsi
77. Art Museums…they make me feel cultured!
78. Mamamia!
79. Songs that can’t ever be overplayed
80. Volleyball
81. Scrunchies and other post-80s Headwear
82. Playing dress-up
83. Sleeping in and waking up to snow
84. The smell of fresh laundry
85. Flossing!
86. Gone with the Wind
87. DIY projects that don’t test too much of my patience
88. Discovering a trend before anyone else…be it word, fashion, music, book, etc.
89. Confidence
90. Duchenne Smiles and Dimples
91. Going to sleep with salty hair
92. Journaling
93. Bucket Lists
94. Unconditional Love
95. Burnt Goldfish Crackers
96. Sea Glass
97. Back Scratches
98. Words-be they spoken, written, heard, imagined or even made up, they have the ability to seethe and comfort, break down and build up, create and destroy.
99. Relishing in the unfinished…


  1. Love you Caitlin. I'm thinking we all need to write a hundred things we're thankful for. And I'm so grateful you're over your writer's block.

  2. i love this. i'm reading it all the time now. i smiled the whole way thru! love you
