Wednesday, December 29, 2010

New Year, New Goals

Laughing my way into the new year knowing I'm armed with some great goals, great friends/family, and a whole lot of sparkles to don on the days when the first two aren't cutting it

I just got home from the most massive trip down memory lane, only to realize that I have to get in the car tomorrow to drive to Molly and George’s Farm. This Christmas break has only been 10 days long and has already been quite the whirlwind adventure. Where’s my Rest and Relaxation?

Nonetheless, in typical insomniac over-achieving Caitlin fashion, I’m up at midnight writing down goals for the 2011. I have been trying to come up with a good resolution for the past few days, but then I got to thinking that resolving to start writing down my goals was the best resolution possible. It’s funny that a lot of people (myself included) consider themselves goal-minded, yet they neglect to do the most important task of writing their goals down. Saying you have goals is one thing, putting them to paper is a far different ball game.

I think that one of the reasons that I, and so many others perhaps, have such a hard time writing down goals is simply fear of failure. It’s that voice in the back of your head that says, “If you write this down and it doesn’t work out the joke’s on you.” The funny thing is, if you believe that, the joke really is on you. Not achieving goals isn’t the failure; failure is when we neglect to pursue goals because they might not work out. Key word here: might.

So in all this going back and forth of whether to write my goals down, and cleaning up my room, I found a Lululemon worksheet on goals.

Nothing like divine intervention in the form of conspicuous consumption.

Nevertheless, the worksheet gave me just the inspiration I needed to solidify some goals for 2011. I like to think of them as working goals, because I plan on updating them throughout the year. I know they need to be more measurable perhaps, and a tad more specific; but I’m pretty happy with the start…
2011 Working Goals
*Blog at least once a week *Save money for traveling after I graduate *Explore different career possibilities beyond law school→maybe pharmaceutical sales or real estate *Become a runner→Run at least 2x a week from Jan-May, 3x June-Dec *Apply to Law School in September *Cook 20 recipes from “Joy of Cooking”(future blog topics!) *Organize photos from computer (16,000 on one hard drive is a bit much…) *Embrace what(ever) the future has in store for me

Well, that’s the start of my New Year’s resolution to set more goals. I’m going to be a person that sets concrete goals and holds herself accountable instead of just claiming to be goal-oriented.

Hope everyone reading this has found a resolution, is looking for a resolution, or has resolved to be happy resolution-less! Happy New Year!!

Here are some recent pictures of mine that are making me smile right now:

My 72 Wackadoodle Friends that laugh with me through IDB disasters, study sessions, drama llamas,
and everything in between

Old Friends that show me that fun times are still ahead no matter how many states or schools separate you

Adam, who has endured more crazy family time and girltalk then any boyfriend desreves

Julia, who is always ready to pose and wear red lipstick

My oldest friends that prove that best friends and platforms are forever

The family that always thinks I'm the bestest, brightest, nicest...even on the days I'm not

The family that also drives me a little crazy somedays...

And the silly self-portraits that are going to keep me laughing throughout 2011

xoxo, Cait

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